Objective: to understand the meaning of work activities for young women with breast cancer. Method: a qualitative study that used as a theoretical framework the Symbolic Interactionism and, as the methodological framework, the Discourse of the Collective Subject. It was developed in a mastology outpatient clinic and a mastectomized rehabilitation center whose data collection took place between February 2014 and January 2015. Twelve women between 18 and 40 years old with up to one year of diagnosis of breast cancer participated, being excluded those with metastasis; interviewed from the guiding question: how is it for you to be young with breast cancer, in relation to work? Thematic content analysis was applied. Results: the following theoretical categories emerged: young women’s feelings about having to stop working due to breast cancer and its treatments; quitting work meant annoyance and discouragement; change in income and collection by herself raised concern about the financial contribution; physical changes changing work activities, meaning limitation and impairment; work as an opportunity to live a better life, as a meaning of freedom; lack of collaboration of colleagues in the work environment whose significance was difficulties in the work environment; solidarity and positivity at work and family support that provided them with encouragement to cope with the disease. Conclusion: it was difficult to experience and accept changes in work activities. The support of family, friends and coworkers was paramount to cope with this process, which should also be taken into account by the health team, especially nursing.