“…This simultaneity is also central to the "bodymind" concept, central to disability studies(Schalk, 2018). Also seeSoafer (2006) andStojanowski and Duncan (2015).7 Robin Nelson also addresses this her review of bioanthropological research in 2016(Nelson, 2017). Also seeSterling, 2015 andMuller, 2015).8 Wynter often refers to the 1960s in the United States as a time of largescale challenge to the colonial order that, over time, became a co-opted, "sanitized" form of resistance that served to replicate the colonial order(Wynter, 1982;Wynter, 2003;Wynter & Nettleford, 1995).9 McKittrick frankly points out that: "Particular kinds of antiracists have bigger offices…so what does this say about liberation, exclusion, territory, and racial justice?…”