“…A very different type of challenge that equally needs to be taken on comes from the neighboring disciplines of history, politics and sociology, especially from international activist scholars inspired by Marxism and critical theory (for example Brown, 2017Brown, , 2019Slobodian, 2018;Innset, 2020). After the global financial crisis of 2008-2009, it had first looked as if the ordoliberal tradition could be attractive even to such leftwardleaning, critical intellectualsbecause of the historical ordoliberals' rejection of unfettered laissez-faire, because of their commitment to solving the "social question" and their dissatisfaction with the "sociological blindness" of traditional liberalism (Röpke, 1944(Röpke, [2002, p. 53), because of their wariness of the accumulation of power, and because of the recognition that government may get hijacked by business interests.…”