The Village-Owned for Enterprises (BUMDes) as a village-run business institution has a strategic role in efforts to improve the village economy. But unfortunately, there are still few villages that are able to optimize the role of BUMDes, so that many BUMDes are "suspended" and do not develop. The strengthening of BUMDes is also inseparable from the rule of law, because from its establishment, management, to dissolution, it must be carried out through law. Moreover, currently the government has issued Government on Regulation Number 11 of 2021 concerning Village-Owned Enterprises. The presence of these regulations has a legal impact that is able to facilitate BUMDes to develop. The problem is that the development of BUMDes is still hampered by regulatory issues. Local governments in this case need to make legal policies that are able to encourage the development of BUMDes so that later they are able to encourage inclusive economic development. Reinventing the Government, which was initiated by David Osborne and Ted Gaebler, hopes to be the basis for producing laws that are capable of developing BUMDes. This study aims to produce local legal constructions so that BUMDes can develop and become a pioneer in encouraging inclusive economic development.