Background and purpose: The association of hyperthermia with radiotherapy has been shown to be a valid approach in the treatment of locoregional recurrence of previously irradiated malignant tumors. The purpose of the present study is to describe the initial experience of the Radiation Oncology Department Júlio Teixeira SA (CUF Institute) and the Medical Oncology Service (Hospital CUF Porto) in the treatment of these lesions, reporting the first cases treated in Portugal with this therapeutic approach. Material and methods: The authors performed a retrospective analysis of the 18 patients, 16 females and 2 males, with unresectable tumor recurrences, in previously irradiated areas, treated with radiotherapy associated with hyperthermia between May 2016 and March 2017, totalizing 25 treatments. Breast disease was the most frequent, accounting for 72% of cases. Results: The median follow-up period was 4, 5 months. The complete response rate was 44%. A favorable response was observed in all treatments, with decrease in pain, bleeding and infection, with and no grade 3 toxicities. Conclusions: The results are encouraging, with improved quality of life and patient self-esteem with acceptable toxicity. The combined treatment of hyperthermia and radiotherapy seems to be a valid option in the local control of recurrent unresectable neoplasms at previously irradiated sites, whose therapeutic options are limited.