We study the aging properties, in particular the two-time autocorrelations, of the two-dimensional randomly diluted Ising ferromagnet below the critical temperature via Monte-Carlo simulations. We find that the autocorrelation function displays additive aging C(t, tw) = Cst(t) + Cag(t, tw), where the stationary part Cst decays algebraically. The aging part shows anomalous scaling Cag(t, tw) = C(h(t)/h(tw)), where h(u) is a non-homogeneous function excluding a t/tw scaling.
PACS numbers:The phase ordering kinetics in pure systems has attracted much attention in the last years [1]. A common scenario for instance for ferromagnets after a fast quench from above to below the ordering temperature is a continuous domain growth governed by a single length scale that depends algebraically on the time t w after the quench. The existence of this length scale quite frequently determines also the scaling properties of other dynamical non-equilibrium quantities like the two-time auto-correlation function C(t, t w ), which describes the correlations between the spin configurations at the time t w after the quench and a later configuration at a time t + t w . It gives rise to what is called simple aging in the context of glassy systems [2]: C(t, t w ) depends for large times t and t w only on the scaling variable t/t w . This behavior is rather well established by analytical works in various non-random models [3], and it has been corroborated by a large amount of numerical work [2].Much less analytical results are available for disordered ferromagnets, where numerical simulations thus play an important role. A recent numerical study of the relaxational dynamics in two-dimensional random magnets [4] found evidence for a power law growth L(t) ∝ t 1/z of the aforementioned length scale L(t). The dynamical exponent z turned out to depend both on temperature T and disorder strength and to behave as z ∝ 1/T at low temperatures T . The latter is compatible with activated dynamics of pinned domain walls over logarithmic free energy barriers (rather than power law [5]). The apparent existence of a single length scale that grows algebraically was confirmed by a recent numerical work [6], where it was furthermore claimed that the response function is well described by local scale invariance [7]. In spite of this, the correlation function showed systematic deviations from a simple t/t w scaling [6] (although simple aging seems to work well in d = 3 [8]). In [6], the autocorrelation was then compared to the scaling form C(t, t w ) ∼ t −xc (t/t w ), which usually holds at a critical point with x > 0 [9]. However, a fit of this form to the numerical data obtained in [6] (and to ours as we will report below) yielded negative exponents x, which is unphysical. The aim of this paper is to suggest an alternative picture originally applied in the context of aging experiments in glasses [10] and spin glasses [11].We study the site diluted Ising model (DIM) defined on 2-dimensional square lattice with periodic boundary conditions, and described by th...