Rejang Lebong Regency in Bengkulu Province, Indonesia is known for its extensive coffee plantations. The selection of robusta coffee varieties suited to highland areas is crucial. Fertile soil and cool climate determine appropriate varieties. Coffee farming is important economically and culturally. Care of plants through fertilizing, pest control and pruning enhances production and fruit quality. Timely harvest selectively picks ripe fruit. Post-harvest processing, whether dry or wet, maintains quality. Environmental sustainability through polyculture adds farmer value. Careful planning and consistency optimizes Rejang Lebong's coffee production and achieves maximum results sustainably. This study surveyed coffee farmers in Karang Jaya Village, Rejang Lebong Regency from 2022-2024 using observation, interviews and secondary data to comprehensively examine post-harvest management. Descriptive analysis identified characteristics of the coffee farming system. Recommendations formulated alternatives strategies based on strengths, weaknesses and external opportunities and threats. Coffee cultivation in Rejang Lebong typically involves land clearing, seed selection, planting, maintenance and harvesting. Recommendations to boost production quality and quantity: develop organic farming with local genotypes, use local genotypes to minimize pests and diseases, construct terraces in plantations, provide appropriate shade, and improve systems for highland coffee plants