Social skills and resilience are very important aspects for mental health; therefore, it is necessary to take into account the positive contribution in the development of adolescents, they are in a vulnerable stage, adapting to physical, mental, emotional, etc. changes. Adolescents, not knowing how to handle the difficulties that may arise, if they do not have the ability to face it and show their positive qualities, can easily fall into depression, student desertion, early pregnancy, addictions to toxic substances (alcohol, tobacco and drugs). That is why in this study to measure social skills, the Elena Gismero Scale of Social Skills questionnaire data collection instrument was used, it has 33 items, 28 refer to the lack of assertion or social skills deficit, 5 of them refers to a positive sense. For resilience, the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale will be used, it has 25 items. The results obtained with respect to social skills show that in the dimension positive interactions with the opposite sex shows the low level 14.3%, which is equivalent to 45 students, they are presenting difficulties in relating to the opposite sex, regarding resilience in the dimension of spirituality, the low level of 21.7%, indicates that 65 students do not have positive attitudes to fulfill their purposes. The minimum age was 11 years, the maximum age was 17 years, the mean being 13.39 in terms of sex, males predominate with a number of 154 students and 146 females.