Conflito de interesses: Não
Contribuição dos autores:ALA concepção e planejamento do projeto de pesquisa. EHRVB concepção e planejamento do projeto de pesquisa. OTN redação e revisão crítica. MWMP obtenção ou análise/interpretação dos dados. JASS concepção e planejamento do projeto de pesquisa. VCS obtenção ou análise/interpretação dos dados. APF redação e revisão crítica. Contato para correspondência: Aparecido Pimentel Ferreira E-mail: Descritores: Idoso; Genética; Doenças Cardiovasculares.
AbstractIntroduction: Aging is a physiological process characterized by a decrease in functional capacity and the increase over the incidence of diseases, especially the cardiovascular ones. Several aspects are associated with the appearance of risk factors in cardiovascular diseases in the elderly population. Among them, we highlight the genetic factors. Objective: Check the allelic variation of gene of apolipoprotein E and its association with risk factors for cardiovascular diseases in the elderly population.
Patients and Methods:The sample was composed of 62 elderly living in geriatric long-term care facility in the city of Brasí-lia, Federal District. We evaluated anthropometric variables, risk factors in cardiovascular diseases, and genotype identification through DNA extraction and genotyping of ApoE. Results: The allele ɛ3ɛ3 was the most prevalent followed by allele ɛ3ɛ4, and ɛ2ɛ4, respectively. Conclusion: There was no effect of the allelic variation of ApoE in the incidence of diseases and risk factors in cardiovascular diseases diagnosed in the elderly, strengthening the influence of environmental aspects in the worsening of these conditions. It was observed the presence of a high prevalence of risk factors in cardiovascular diseases.Descriptors: Aged; Genetics; Cardiovascular Diseases.
IntroduçãoO envelhecimento, considerado um processo fisiológico, progressivo e dinâmico, é caracterizado por alterações orgânicas que podem resultar em redução da capacidade de adaptação do organismo, ocasionando uma série de complicações à saúde, que aumentam as chances de perda da autonomia e de mortalidade (1)(2) . O envelhecimento parece tornar o organismo maisAssociation between gene polymorphism of apolipoprotein E and cardiovasculaes risk factors in elderly