The present clinical trial was carried out with the prime aim of assessing the effect of Vyoshadi Gutika on Vataja Pratishyaya in children between 5 and 16 years of age. It can affect any age group, but it is more prevalent in children. Pratishyaya is one of the most common diseases among Nasa Roga. This is defined as the condition where the secretion is produced due to the vitiation of Vata and Kapha at the root of the nose which flows down through the nose against the inspired air. Vataja Pratishyaya can be correlated with Allergic Rhinitis. Allergic rhinitis is caused by the inflammation of airway mucosa with hypersensitivity and is characterised by watery nasal discharge, nasal obstruction, sneezing, nasal dryness, hoarseness of voice and headache [1]. Managing the disease is essential as it can lead to the obstruction of Prana Vayu. The ancient Acharya developed various Ayurvedic formulations through continuous study, experiments, observation and judgements. Vyoshadi Gutika is one of the formulations mentioned in the Sharangadhara Samhita Madhyam Khand 7th chapter under Kumar-Tantra and has been chosen for the present study.
Aim: To evaluate the efficacy of Vyoshadi Gutika in Vataja Pratishyaya.
Objectives: -To provide an economical and safe herbal formulation for Pratishyaya. To observe the adverse ef-fects of the drug during the clinical trial.
Methods: A total of 40 patients were registered between 5 and 16 years of age with classical symptoms of Prat-ishyaya. The drug Vyoshadi Gutika was administered in a daily dose fixed as per Young’s rule. The trial lasted 35 days.
Result: Overall, the study revealed that Vyoshadi Gutika has a highly significant effect on the management of Vataja Pratishyaya.