The rate of anodic dissolution and the associated activation potential that characterizes the passive-active transition of stainless steels have been measured directly for the first time in nitric acid. The anodic dissolution current under cathodic polarization in pure nitric acid, in absence of chlorides, is masked by intense cathodic hydrogen reduction. In this work, atomic emission spectroelectrochemistry (AESEC) was used to record simultaneously the dissolution rate of the individual alloying elements of stainless steels as well as the overall cathodic current. This methodology has been used to quantify the influence of several parameters on the activation potential: nitric acid concentration, temperature, and the addition of silicon in the steel composition. Nitric acid, HNO 3 , is a widely-used electrolyte in nuclear reprocessing plants for spent nuclear fuel.1,2 In addition to its acidic properties, HNO 3 is a strong oxidizing agent and therefore material choice for the industrial devices must follow strict specifications. Some austenitic stainless steels (SS) such as the 18Cr-10Ni type SS are frequently chosen because of their high corrosion resistance in concentrated nitric acid.
1The cathodic and anodic reactions of stainless steel in concentrated nitric acid have been the object of numerous investigations. [3][4][5][6][7] Cathodic processes involved in austenitic SS corrosion in concentrated nitric acid have been investigated since the beginning of the 20 th century. 6,[8][9][10] However, in the very low range of potentials of interest for the present work, the proton reduction reaction is expected to prevail.
6The anodic reactions of stainless steel in the active state have proven difficult to investigate due to the fact that stainless steel is spontaneously passive in concentrated nitric acid, and when polarized to the active potential domain, the high cathodic current completely masks the anodic current. Under certain conditions, the potential of nitric acid can find itself closer to the active domain. Some other acidic electrolytes such as H 2 SO 4 or HCl have more clearly shown a spontaneous activation of SS in spite of high initial open circuit potentials 11,12 or when polarized for a long time close to the active domain. 13 This supports an interest into exploring the passive layer stability on the edge of the active dissolution. When the electrode potential becomes increasingly cathodic and approaches the active state, the oxides making up the passive film become thinner, less protective, and the dissolution rate of the steel increases. In general, the thickness of the passive film is determined by a steady state between film growth and film dissolution. To a first approximation, the rate of film growth will decrease with decreasing potential, while film dissolution is less dependent on potential and more a function of electrolyte pH. Although the oxidation rate of the stainless steel should, in theory, decrease with decreasing potential, the rate of elemental dissolution will increase due to ...