“…Commonly known as "morals and markets" scholarship, this approach took on studying economies as societies-places where collective conscience, identities, and moral categories are formed (Fourcade & Healy, 2013. Viviana Zelizer, who laid out the field's most elaborate analytical framework, defined her approach as relational sociology: studying how people create and negotiate distinctions between different social relations, economic or non-economic (Bandelj, 2020;Zelizer, 2004aZelizer, , 2004bZelizer, , 2011Zelizer, , 2012. The same applied to scholars in the emergent field of valuation studies, who used the terms "values" and "valuation" in analyzing all human activities, whether or not they are traditionally regarded as "economic" (Beckert & Aspers, 2011;Boltanski & Thévenot, 1999;Christin, 2018;Espeland & Sauder, 2007;Kiviat, 2019;Stark, 2000).…”