[1] The Yangtze delta region of China is a key agricultural area that experiences relatively high aerosol loadings . In order to characterize the aerosol radiative properties and estimate direct aerosol radiative forcing in this region, measurements of the multiwavelength aerosol optical depth, t l , light scattering coefficient, s sp , and absorption coefficient, s ap , as well as the downward photosynthetically active radiation (400-700 nm), DPAR, were conducted during November 1999 in Linan, China. The direct aerosol radiative forcing for photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and total solar radiation (0.2-4.0 mm, TSR) at both the surface and top of atmosphere (TOA) are estimated based on the measurements using two radiative transfer models. The model estimates indicate that the mean cloud-free instantaneous direct aerosol radiative forcing efficiency (for solar zenith angle < 70°) at the surface for PAR is À73.5 W m À2 , which is in agreement with the value of À74.4 W m À2 derived directly from the measurements of DPAR and 500 nm aerosol optical depth (t 500 ). On the basis of the measured mean t 500 of 0.61, and the estimated cloud optical depth and cloud coverage of 5.0 and 50%, respectively, the 24-hr mean direct aerosol radiative forcing at the surface for PAR is estimated to be approximately À11.2 W m À2 . This suggests that the amount of PAR reaching the surface over the Yangtze delta region is reduced by $16% as a result of the direct radiative effect of aerosols. The model results also indicate that the cloud-free 24-hr average direct aerosol radiative forcing efficiency at the TOA for TSR is À30.4 W m À2 . When the presence of clouds is considered, the mean direct aerosol radiative forcing at the TOA for TSR is estimated to be approximately À12.1 W m À2 . This value is roughly an order of magnitude greater than the estimated global mean aerosol radiative forcing of À0.3 to À1.0 W m À2 suggested by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [1996]. Overall, this study indicates that aerosols have a substantial impact on the amount of radiation reaching the surface as well as the radiation balance at the TOA in the Yangtze delta region.