Background In addition to the family and society's support, the drug user plays a key role in the process of treatment and rehabilitation. Therefore, it is imperative to find the psychological, social, and motivational factors that can help them in the treatment process. The present study is an attempt to determine the relationship of psychological, social, and motivational factors and demographics of drug user care-seekers.Methods An analytical cross-sectional study was carried out. Psychological, Social, and Motivational Performance Questionnaire for drug users was first translated into Farsi and validated after securing a permission from the copyright holder of the tool. Participants were 250 drug user care-seekers under methadone therapy who were selected through convenient sampling. Before analyzing the collected data, validity and reliability of the tool were confirmed using confirmatory and exploratory factor analyses. Given the scale of demographical data, suitable statistics were used to analyze the relationship between demographical variables and psychological, social, and motivational factors.
ResultsThe results of exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses showed that out of 83 statements in the original questionnaire, 55 statements categorized into 11 aspects were usable for Iranian population. The results showed that gender, income, and marital status were effective in psychological performance of the drug users (P<0.05). However, education level, domicile, and type of drug and consumption did not have a significant relationship with social performance of the participants (p>0.05). There was a significant relationship between age, number of children, and history of using drug and psychological performance of the participants (P<0.01). The results showed that the demographics did not have a notable effect on the participants' motivation for treatment; only marital status had a significant relationship with the participants' readiness for treatment (P<0.05).Conclusion As the results showed, the demographical variables could affect physical, psychological, and motivational readiness in the participants.
BackgroundDrug dependence is one of the main psychosocial challenges in today society all around the world (1).