Aims and Objectives: Study the correlation between Anti streptolysin
O Titer (ASOT) and Reactive Protein (CRP)with other related factors and the
correlation between bacterial species and related tested parameters. Materials and
Methods: 120 patients were part of the study and were divided into 6 groups;
each group had 20 patients aged 6–12 years. Blood Sample Collection About 10
ml was withdrawn from each patient via vein puncture using 10 ml disposable syringes, 5 ml for immunological study and 5 ml for hematological study. Results:
The results of ASOT titer showed a highly significant positive correlation with
Monocytes and a highly negative correlation with eosinophil. CRP was found to
have a highly significant positive correlation with eosinophils and lymphocytes
and a highly negative correlation with neutrophil and monocyte percentage. With
a positive correlation with ESR. Conclusion: Our study shows that ASOT is still
a useful diagnostic tool for tonsillitis. CRP levels in the tonsillitis patients group
were significantly higher than in other groups. In contrast, ESR levels in the tonsillectomy patients group were significantly higher than in
other groups.
Keywords: blood components, inflammatory factors, bacterial spp, tonsillitis,
dental caries