This study is intended to examine the impacts of productive expenditures on economic growth on the 25 provinces found in Indonesia before fiscal decentralization (covering 1994-1997) and 33 provinces after decentralization over the period [2011][2012][2013][2014][2015]. The empiric approach has been implemented through a panel data approach and regression model estimated to follow the endogenous growth model of Barro (1990). The main findings of this research show that: (1) provincial governments' productive expenditures in education promoted economic growth in the 25 pre-decentralization provinces; and (2) productive expenditures in the security and public order sector, health and education sector have promoted economicgrowthinthe 33 post-decentralization provinces. From these results, it can be concluded that this study has contributed to economic literature by indicating that different types of productive government expenditures offer different impacts on economic growth. The policy implications which can be formulated from the results of this study are that provincial governments should promote and provide incentives for private investments in the public sector because only the education sector (before fiscal decentralization) and the security and public order sector as well as the education sector (after fiscal decentralization) have a statistically significant role in promoting economic growth. This can be realized through public-private partnership, which has greatly increased the performance of public-sector investment around the world. Future research, using relevant control variables to estimate the effects of productive expenditures on economic growth, will provide a greater empiric contribution to the literature. Keywords: productive expenditures, economic growth, fiscal decentralization. JEL Classification: H11, O40, H5.
ABSTRAKPenelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk menguji dampak dari produktivitas pertumbuhan ekonomi di 25 provinsi yang ada di Indonesia sebelum desentralisasi fiskal (meliputi 1994-1997) dan 33 provinsi setelah desentralisasi selama periode 2011-2015. Pendekatan empiris ini telah dilaksanakan melalui pendekatan data panel dan model regresi yang diperkirakan mengikuti model pertumbuhan endogen Barro (1990). Temuan utama dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: (1) pengeluaran produktif pemerintah provinsi dalam pendidikanmempromosikanpertumbuhanekonomidi25provinsipra-desentralisasi;dan (2) produktif penditures dalam keamanan dan ketertiban sektor publik, kesehatan dan sektor pendidikan yang telah mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi di 33 provinsi pascadesentralisasi. Darihasil tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa penelitianini telah memberikan kontribusi terhadap literatur ekonomi dengan menunjukkan bahwa berbagai jenis tulisan peerintah secara produktif mengeluarkan tawaran dampak yang berbeda terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi. Implikasi kebijakan yang dapat dirumuskan dari hasil penelitian ini adalah bahwa pemerintah provinsi harus mempromosikan dan memberikan insentif bagi investasi swasta...