Recently, we described a β-peptide foldamer, β53-1 ( Figure 1A), that assembles into a 14-helix in aqueous solution, binds the oncoprotein hDM2 with submicromolar affinity, and inhibits the interaction of hDM2 with a peptide derived from the activation domain of p53 (p53AD). 1 The intact recognition epitope of β53-1, including a high degree of helical structure, is required for selective inhibition of the p53AD·hDM2 interaction. Here, we present the solution structure of β53-1 in methanol. The structure reveals details of a helixstabilizing salt bridge on one helical face, novel "wedge into cleft" packing along another, and how distortions in the β53-1 14-helix maximize presentation of the p53AD recognition epitope. These details deepen our understanding of how β 3 -peptides fold and how they can be designed to form higher order structures and bind macromolecules. 2,3 Two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy was performed using 5 mM β53-1 in CD 3 OH at 10°C. Previous circular dichroism and analytical ultracentrifugation experiments 1 and the NMR line widths observed herein are consistent with a monomeric, 14-helical structure for β53-1 under these conditions. The proton resonances of β53-1 were assigned unambiguously using TOCSY and natural abundance 1 H-13 C HSQC spectra. 4 ROESY experiments were then performed using mixing times of 200, 350, and 500 ms. 5 The observed series of NH-C α H ROEs confirmed the sequential assignment by providing a backbone "ROE walk". Three classes of medium-range ROEs characterize a 14-helical conformation: those between H N (i) and H β (i+2), H N (i) and H β (i+3), and H α (i) and H β (i+3). 6,7 All 20 potential medium-range interactions of this type were observed in the ROESY spectra of β53-1; in addition, 27 additional medium-range ROEs between side chains three positions apart were also observed. 4 The large number of medium-range ROEs observed by NMR provides clear evidence for a high level of 14-helix structure in β53-1; 449 ROEs quantified using a 350 ms mixing time were subsequently assigned and integrated using SPARKY. 8 Peak volumes were converted to 151 upper-limit distance constraints 4 and used to perform simulated annealing torsional dynamics on 100 random starting configurations of β53-1 using DYANA. 4,9 No constraint violations were reported among the resulting 20 lowest-energy structures, which are shown in Figure 1B.The ensemble of calculated structures of β53-1 ( Figure 1B) shows a 14-helix with an average backbone atom RMSD from the mean structure of 0.17 ± 0.07 Å. The backbone torsions of individual structures deviate little from the mean, even at the termini ( Figure 1C), illustrating the robustness of the β53-1 14-helix in methanol. .0 residues per turn for residues 1-6, with a slight unwinding to approximately 1.49 Å rise per residue and 3.3 residues per turn for residues 7-10. This unwinding appears to be unique to β53-1, as it was not observed in NMR structures of unrelated β 3 -peptides with and without side chain ion pairing. 6,7,10 Side chains are also well-de...