The paper deals with modern geosystem problems and suggests ways of solving them. The main aim of the study is to develop new methods of geosystem preservation on the base of geoecochemistry through geoecochemical reactions. Both theoretical, namely thermodynamic, method and experimental one are used in the research. Three new geoecochemical techniques such as energy economy, soil restoration and alternative technologies are introduced for natural resource preservation. Every technique is estimated with relation to negative changes of Gibb’s free energy. These changes take place as a result of geoecochemical reactions and determine a level of geosystem preservation. Using the first technique it is possible to save energy, a few hundreds of kilojoules per mol, due to formation silicates, phosphates, etc. Other techniques of geosystem restoration are heavy metal ion detoxication and alternative technologies, e.g. lithosynthesis, for natural resource preservation. Geoecochemical techniques of lithosphere preservation can be useful for any geoconstruction technology like soil strengthening, highway and railway construction and other earthwork operations.