The purPose of 廿盛 s sh 】 dy is 重 o clarify the characteristics of the ir 血abitant ' s preferenm fo【 regional landscape irL Higashi・ Hko6h a City . Fhst of aD 」the血habi 宜 antS are reql血 ed to take phot (rs they prefer and dS − prefer 丘om the fieldwork . F血 hermore , the inhabitants are req 曲 ed to state thet 【 views on the taken photos jn flee ・ descriplive answer s 重 yle. lhe views ale divided血 [ 02ca 重 egories , sllch as ' objeet ' and ' reason ' , on the a亅1alysis. ] hcn , the 2 α 恵 tegodes are ana 艮 yzed by quan面 calion method of the廿血 d type ・ The resulls a【e 廿旧 t when the objeCt 娼 simple4 thc landscape 蛤 recoghzed as ' dis− Pteferable ' . When the ebject is complex , 山e landscape お r ognjzed as ' preferable , . Secondly, the pich 皿 ed ユ andscapes are dass血 ed by the area ratio of 電 he dscape elementS and the composition of the dscap 島 As the resUts , 7dass 血 cations of [ preferable , and 6 dass 血 cations of ' dis− preferable ' are ob 曲 ed . In addidon , by 出e al旧 lys 総 of the lan 〔 IScape classification and ' reason , , d迂ferent tendencies each class 血catio4 based on the eXistenoe of the various p 〔)intS of View to decide whether ' preferab ユ ピ or ' dis − preferable ' , are f()und , '