Background: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is the most common serious chronic endocrine and metabolic disorders. Diabetics with poor control blood glucose levels are at risk of oral and systemic complications. Oral conditions such as xerostomia, gingivitis, periodontitis, tooth loss. Systemic consequences including coronary, peripheral, and vascular diseases. Aim of the work: This study was designed to identify the most common oral and systemic complications associated with controlled and uncontrolled type 2 DM (T2DM) among a sample of Libyan population. Materials and Methods: This study was conducted in 426 adults of both genders who diagnosed with T2DM. This study sample included controlled (HbA1c 7%) and uncontrolled (HbA1c > 7%).
Statistical analysis:The acquired data was tabulated and forwarded for statistical analysis. The data was described using cross tabulation tables, bar and pie charts. To determine the P value, the Chi-square test was used to investigate the significant presence of oral and systemic complications associated with T2DM.Result: A total of 426 patients diagnosed with T2DM were considered for this study showed (52.1%) were males and (47.9%) were females. The ages varied between 23 and 95 years old. According to the HbA1c values, 331 (77.7%) were non-controlled diabetic patients (NCDPs) and 95 (22.3%) were controlled diabetic patients (CDPs). Amongst 426 (DPs) 422 patients were diagnosed with oral complications. A total of 187 patients were diagnosed with systemic complications. Conclusion: There was a significant correlation between T2DM with oral and systemic complications. The oral complications in DPs indicated uncontrolled glycemic status.