Pooled washed rabbit spermatozoa were extracted with acid chloride buffers (pH 1\m=.\0 and 1\m=.\8),chloroform, petroleum ether, trichloracetic acid (10%), acid alcohol, phosphate-buffered saline (pH 7\m=.\2),aqueous acetone, acidic acetone, alkaline acetone and 0\m=.\25n\ x=r eq-\ NaOH. Hyaluronidase was also extracted from sperm suspensions. The clarified and dialysed extracts were used as antigens in precipitin tests against the spermagglutinin of normal rabbit serum. Buffers of pH 1\m=.\0and 1\m=.\8, trichloracetic acid, chloroform and petroleum ether extracted the isoantigen indicating its possible lipoprotein nature. The isoantigen was not associated with hyaluronidase.