The edTPA is a multidimensional performance assessment that targets student teachers’ planning, instruction, and assessment proficiency as reflected in narrative commentary, lesson plans, teaching videos, and student work. The purpose of this study was to analyze the reliability, validity, and utility of edTPA scores for three academic year cohorts of music student teachers (N = 60) at an institution that adopted the edTPA for use in teacher candidate evaluation. Overall, music teacher candidates were rated highest in planning, followed by assessment and instruction. Differences in assessment task and total scores were statistically significant between Cohort 1 and Cohort 3, suggesting that faculty may have become more effective over time in preparing student teachers to complete the edTPA portfolio. Scores for all three edTPA tasks and total edTPA scores exhibited adequate internal consistency. Factor analysis produced a clear structure that corresponded to the three edTPA tasks, with evidence of adequate model fit. Criterion-related validity evidence for edTPA scores, however, was mixed, with most correlations being of modest magnitude (< .25). We discuss implications for teacher educators and future research.