We study the energy of an impurity (polaron) that interacts strongly in a sea of fermions when the effective range of the impurity-fermion interaction becomes important, thereby mapping the Fermi polaron of condensed matter physics and ultracold atoms to strongly interacting neutrons. We present Quantum Monte Carlo results for this neutron polaron, and compare these with effective field theory calculations that also include contributions beyond the effective range. We show that stateof-the-art nuclear density functionals vary substantially and generally underestimate the neutron polaron energy. Our results thus provide constraints for adjusting the time-odd components of nuclear density functionals to better characterize polarized systems. Energy-density functionals are the only method available to study heavy nuclei and to globally describe the chart of nuclides [1,2]. Due to the need for a precise description of low-energy observables, parameters of these functionals are generally fit to properties of nuclei, including masses and radii. This empirical construction can therefore also benefit from additional input to constrain their properties in exotic, i.e., neutron-rich or spin-polarized systems. Examples of such pseudo-data include calculations of neutron matter [3-9] and neutron drops [10]. This approach has been successfully used to shape new functionals (see, e.g., Refs. [11-16]). In this work, we study the neutron polaron and use its energy as a constraint on nuclear density functionals.The polaron was first introduced in condensed matter physics, and has recently been investigated in strongly interacting ultracold Fermi gases [17] -a system that has many similarities with the physics of low-density neutron matter (see, e.g., Refs. [3,4]). The Fermi polaron is an impurity interacting in a Fermi sea, realized in ultracold atoms and neutron matter as a spin-down fermion in a sea of N ↑ spin-up fermions. The polaron energy E pol = E N ↑ +1 − E N ↑ is defined as the energy difference between the system with the polaron added and the N ↑ (noninteracting) Fermi system. In the thermodynamic limit, this is equivalent to the spin-down chemical potential in the limit of high polarization, and therefore constrains the phase diagram of strongly interacting Fermi systems as a function of spin imbalance [18][19][20][21][22].For attractive interactions, E pol < 0 measures the polaron binding energy in the Fermi sea. In the unitary limit, where the S-wave scattering length |a| → ∞, the polaron energy is universal at low densities and scales as E pol = ηE F where E F = k 2 F /2m is the Fermi energy (with Fermi momentum k F ) and η < 0 is a universal number [18]. Neutrons, whose scattering length is large (a = −18.5 fm), have low-density properties close to the unitary limit. At unitarity, the polaron energy admits a variational bound that sums one-particle-one-hole excitations, η ≤ −0.6066 [18], which is remarkably close to a full manybody treatment [23], η = −0.6158, and agrees with Quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) calculation...