A recently developed quark model approach to pseudoscalar meson photoproduction is extended to electroproduction process for the η meson in the kinematics of momentum transfer Q 2 ≤ 4 (GeV/c) 2 and total center of mass energy W ≤ 1.6 GeV. Existing data are well reproduced and the roles of the S 11 (1535) and D 13 (1520) resonances are closely investigated. In the study of the longitudinal excitation of the S 11 (1535) resonance, a reliable constraint on the S 11 (1535) properties is obtained by cleanly removing the electromagnetic transition from the γ (v) p → S 11 (1535) → ηp amplitude. Thus, the fitted quantities can be determined with an uncertainty of about 15%. This could be the first direct constraint on the S 11 (1535) properties in theory.