Documents indexed with controlled vocabularies enable users of libraries to discover relevant documents, even across language barriers. Due to the rapid growth of scienti c publications, digital libraries require automatic methods that index documents accurately, especially with regard to explicit or implicit concept dri , that is, with respect to new descriptor terms and new types of documents, respectively. is paper rst analyzes architectures of related approaches on automatic indexing. We show that their design determines individual strengths and weaknesses and justify research on their fusion. In particular, systems bene t from statistical associative components as well as from lexical components applying dictionary matching, ranking and binary classi cation. e analysis emphasizes the importance of descriptor-invariant learning, that is, learning based on features, which can be transferred between di erent descriptors. eoretic and experimental results on economic titles and author keywords underline the relevance of the fusion methodology in terms of overall accuracy, and adaptability to dynamic domains. Experiments show, that fusion strategies combining a binary relevance approach and a thesaurusbased system outperform all other strategies on the tested data set. Our ndings can help researchers and practitioners in digital libraries to choose appropriate methods for automatic indexing. CCS CONCEPTS •Computing methodologies →Supervised learning; Machine learning; Natural language processing; •Information systems →Digital libraries and archives;