We prove some regularity properties (convexity, closedness, compactness and preservation of upper hemicontinuity) for distribution and regular conditional distribution of correspondences under the nowhere equivalence condition. We show the necessity of such a condition for any of these properties to hold. As an application, we demonstrate that the nowhere equivalence condition is satisfied on the underlying agent space if and only if pure-strategy Nash equilibria exist in general large games with any fixed uncountable compact action space. 1 See [22] and [26] for the construction of Loeb spaces. 2 As noted in [15], atomless Loeb probability spaces are saturated. For some other applications of Loeb and saturated probability spaces, see, for example, [5], [7], [8], [10], [16], [19], [24], [34], [35], and [36]. 3 When the target space is a Banach space, one can also consider Bochner and Gelfand integration of correspondences. The same kind of regularity properties were shown to hold under Loeb/saturated probability spaces in [30], [38] and [39], while the necessity of saturation for these properties was indicated in [30] and [39]. A related issue on the purification of measure-valued maps on Loeb/saturated probability spaces was considered in [23], [25] and [31] with the necessity of saturation in [25] and [31]. 4 See Definition 1 in [13] and Definition 1 in Section 2 below.