This study was performed to evaluate the efficiency of the education programme for prevention of constipation in women. This study was performed as a pre-test-posttest design. Thirty-five women were included who have constipation problem. Data were collected by questionnaire: Constipation Severity Instrument (CSI), Constipation Visual Analogue Scale (CVAS) and Bristol Stool Chart (BSC). Eight home visits were made for each of the women and they were followed up for 3 months. Participants received an individual education programme that included advice on dietary consumption such as pulpy-fibrous nutrient consumption, fluid intake, an exercise regime and counselling about optimal position to defecate. The subscales of 'Colonic Inertia' and 'Pain', and CSI total mean scores and CVAS mean scores were decreased significantly after education programme (P < 0.05). According to the BSC, 71.5% of the women stated their stool form to be 'sausage-shaped, but lumpy' before the education programme, but after the said programme the percentage had dropped to 17.1%. Education programme given to women who had constipation were determined to have been effective in alleviating constipation. Nurses should develop appropriate and effective strategies to help women prevent constipation.