The aim of this article is to be stimulus for creative individuals through problems of the low level of community creativity, especially the executors of small and medium enterprise. The methods in this research: (1) observation conducted in December, 2020 through interview and observation techniques, (2) idea exploration, (3) planning by involving expert teams such as archeological team from State University of Malang and all community elements at Payeman Village, also (4) work realization.Based on economical aspect, that motive has never been produced yet in Bojonegoro, while based on historical aspect, that product has historical elements that were able to deliver local history nuance which could be retold to the next generation. KEYWORDS fossil, balung buto, batik, monochromatic batik.
ABSTRAKArtikel ini bertujuan untuk menjadi stimulus bagi individu-individu kreatif melalui permasalahan rendahnya kreativitas masyarakat, khususnya para pelaku usaha kecil dan menengah. Metode dalam penelitian ini: (1) observasi dilakukan pada bulan Desember 2020 melalui teknik wawancara dan observasi, (2) eksplorasi ide, (3) perencanaan dengan melibatkan tim ahli seperti tim arkeologi dari Universitas Negeri Malang dan seluruh elemen masyarakat di Payeman. Desa, serta (4) realisasi kerja. Berdasarkan aspek ekonomi, motif tersebut belum pernah diproduksi di Bojonegoro, sedangkan berdasarkan aspek sejarah, produk tersebut memiliki unsur sejarah yang mampu menghadirkan nuansa sejarah lokal yang dapat diceritakan kembali ke generasi masa depan.
KATA KUNCIfosil, balung buto, batik, batik monokromatik.