A False Prophet?The Secularization of Scholarship in American Higher EducationThe Secularization of American Higher EducationIs the Secularization of Higher Education Inevitable?Deconstructing the Secularization NarrativeFaith‐Informed Traditions of Practical Rationality: Contemporary Approaches of Three Religious Traditions to KnowledgeThe Roman Catholic TraditionThe Reformed WorldviewThe Anabaptist NarrativeTraditions, Worldviews, Narratives, and Practices: How Faith Shapes ReasonFaith‐Informed Scholarship Across the DisciplinesThe Influence of Background Beliefs on ScholarshipSpecific ExamplesFaith‐Informed Scholarship and the Practices of Networks
and InstitutionsOld and New Networks of Religious Colleges and UniversitiesReligious Faith and Scholarship: Institutional PracticesReligion and Scholarship: Networks of Scholars and Professional AssociationsFaith‐Informed Scholarship and the Practice of Academic FreedomDefining Academic FreedomA Brief Comparative History of Faith‐Informed Scholarship and Academic FreedomComparing Individual Perspectives of Faith‐Informed Scholarship and Academic FreedomInstitutional Examples of Faith‐Informed Scholarship and Academic FreedomFaith‐Informed Scholarship and the Larger Tournament of NarrativesExpounders of Decline or Decay in the AcademyNarratives of Hope? The Postmodern, Postliberal, Postsecular UniversityThe Hope of Faith‐Informed Narratives, Scholarship, and UniversitiesReferencesName IndexSubject IndexAbout the Authors