Visible-Near infrared (VNIR) spectroscopy has led to many discoveries pertaining to Mars geologic history (e.g., the discovery of hydrated minerals associated with ancient terrains with the Observatoire pour la Minéralogie, l'Eau, les Glaces et l'Activité, OMEGA, Bibring et al., 2006). Felsic materials are difficult to identify with VNIR spectroscopic techniques, as quartz and feldspar are nominally undetectable in the VNIR domain (∼0.4-3.9 μm) where both OMEGA and CRISM (the Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars) operate. Felsic materials are more easily identified in the thermal infrared range (e.g., Rogers & Nekvasil, 2015) although the lower spatial resolutions of instruments like the Thermal Emission Spectrometer and the Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS) preclude analyses of small-scale outcrops. Yet, some feldspars, especially plagioclase, may exhibit a weak, broad absorption band centered at 1.25-1.31 μm due to minor substitutions of Ca 2+ by Fe 2+ (e.g., Adams & Goullaud, 1978). Previous lunar analog laboratory studies showed, however, that when mixing powders of Ca plagioclase with a mafic component, the feldspar absorption band becomes hidden at low olivine and pyroxene content (Cheek & Pieters, 2014;Crown & Pieters, 1987;Nash & Conel, 1974). Cheek and Pieters (2014) further demonstrated that the 1.3 μm feature is only detectable if the plagioclase modal abundance is >90%. Therefore, previous VNIR feldspar detections on Mars have been tentatively interpreted as evidence for