Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB)-Wetland Integrated Technology was applied to treating fish-processing wastewater, taking into account for its simplicity, rapid and economical as well as its capability for reducing pollutant, so the effluent can fulfill effluent standard regulation. The research was carried out by the following steps: identification of wastewater characteristics, WWTP design and construction, and WWTP operational trials. The trials showed that UASB could remove COD average 72.3% and could achieve the highest COD removal of 95.42%, with retention time 24 hours. Wetland could remove COD 52.9% on average and the highest COD removal was 78.22%. Simultaneously UASB-Wetland hybrid Technology could remove 86.25% COD on average, and the highest COD removal was 98.58%. Effluent has compiled the stream standard regulation and can be reused for fish farming.Keywords: fish processing wastewater, high organic wastewater treatment, integrated UASB-Wetland, Anaerobic-Aerobic WWTPABSTRAKTeknologi gabungan Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) - wetland diaplikasikan untuk mengolah air limbah industri pengolahan ikan dengan pertimbangan bahwa teknologi ini murah dan mudah pengoperasiannya serta dapat mereduksi polutan sehingga kualitas effluent memenuhi syarat baku mutu. Instalasi pengolahan limbah terdiri dari unit ekualisasi, UASB dan wetland. Hasil uji coba pengolahan dengan UASB menujukkan bahwa penurunan COD rata-rata 72,3% dengan persen penurunan tertinggi mencapai 95,42% dan penurunan COD dengan proses wetland rata-rata 52,9% dengan penurunan tertinggi mencapai 78,22%. Secara keseluruhan proses IPAL hibrid UASB-Wetland mampu menurunkan nilai COD rata-rata sebesar 86,25% dengan penurunan tertinggi mencapai 98,58%. Limbah terolah (effluent) sudah memenuhi baku mutu yang disyaratkan serta dapat dimanfaatkan kembali (reuse) sebagai sumber air untuk budidaya perikanan darat.Kata kunci: air limbah pengolahan ikan, pengolahan limbah organik tinggi, gabungan UASB-wetland, IPAL anaerobik-aerobik