Fruits and vegetables are the pivotal sources of essential elements (vitamins and minerals), whose deficiency may cause different kinds of health issues; however, due to non-judicious use of pesticides and unhygienic practices in the supply chain, fresh produce gets contaminated. These contaminants could be minimized by cooking, blanching, and chlorination at household level, but these thermal and chemical processing techniques negatively affect the product quality and nutrition value. When F & V is consumed in the raw form then these contaminants directly affect human health, which may lead to death or different syndromes. It is hard to eliminate these lethal contaminants from supply chain. Different decontamination technologies previously practiced at household level but have negative impacts on commodities' nutritional value and human health. Henceforth, some green techniques like ozonation, sonication, and ozosonication (O 3 /US) are considered as emerging sanitizing technologies, without adversely affecting quality of horticultural commodities and human health, when used at optimum limit.
| IMPORTANCE OF FRUITS AND VEGETABLESFruits and vegetables play a basic role in balanced nutrition supply in a human life. These are the part of basic healthy diet (Liu, 2013;