The in vivo efficacy of highly porous carbon nanocomposites prepared from sugar beet waste for the Ochratoxin A detoxification. Vet. arhiv 89, 851-872, 2019.
ABsTrACTThe aim of this study was to develop highly porous carbon nanocomposites for detoxification of ochratoxin A (OTA) in broilers. One-day-old chicks were divided into six groups (A to F). Group A was given pure feed. Group B was given 400 µg/kg of OTA contaminated feed, while the rest of the groups were fed on 400 µg/ kg of OTA contaminated feed plus a different level of the adsorbent. The clinical signs of the positive control (group B) such as depression, diarrhea, increased water intake, low body weight, a high degree of genotoxicity, and swollen and hemorrhagic kidneys and liver, were compared with the other groups. In group B chicks, the serum ALT (alanine transferase), ALP (alkaline phosphatase), creatinine and urea levels were significantly higher, while albumin, globulin and total proteins levels were significantly lower than in negative control group A. The adsorbent treated groups showed almost normal clinical signs. Group C and D were affected to some extent, however, groups E and F showed undamaged DNA, normal behavior and blood biochemistry, and wellmaintained histological structure, like that of the negative control group.