1. Wetlands are especially vulnerable to invasive plants because seasonal movements of sediments, water, nutrients, and debris from adjacent terrestrial habitats create ecological conditions suitable for invasion. Lonicera maackii is a relatively abundant and broadly distributed invasive shrub in the eastern U.S.A., yet few studies have simultaneously tested for effects of its leaf litter on multiple trophic levels within wetland food webs.2. Hatching success, hatchling survival, and hatchling size of tadpoles (Acris crepitans) were assessed using a laboratory mesocosm experiment with no-leaf, native-leaf, and L. maackii-leaf treatments. In the field, short-term (c. 3 week) and long-term (c. 2 years) mesocosm experiments assessed the initial and persistent impacts, respectively, of L. maackii on measures of primary productivity, invertebrate abundance and community structure, and oviposition preference and larval survival of Cope's gray treefrog (Hyla chrysoscelis).3. Exposure of eggs to L. maackii leaves reduced body size at hatching and larval survival of newly hatched A. crepitans. In short-term experiments, L. maackii leaves reduced dissolved oxygen levels, filamentous algal biomass, and macroinvertebrate abundance, and altered macroinvertebrate community structure. In long-term experiments, duckweed cover was 15× times greater in mesocosms with L. maackii leaf additions. Oviposition by a local population of H. chrysoscelis was 10× lower in both short-and long-term mesocosms with L. maackii present. 4. Although ecological impacts of L. maackii have been reported for terrestrial systems, our study is the first to demonstrate the simultaneous effects of its leaves on multiple trophic levels within replicated experimental wetlands. The relatively rapid decomposition of L. maackii leaves, and associated pulse of phenolic compounds, is the most likely proximate mechanism of the bottom-up effects we observed. The mechanisms, timing, and significance of effects is predicted to vary among natural wetlands.5. Our study demonstrates multiple ecological impacts of a terrestrial invasive shrub within experimental wetlands. Detailed studies on the specific mechanisms, and their spatial and temporal variability in natural systems, will elucidate management strategies and improve the efficiency of wetland conservation efforts.