Introduction: Insomnia treatment can be done pharmacologically and non-pharmacologically. Pharmacological treatments such as sedative-hypnotic drugs such as Zolpidem, Tradozon, Lorazepam, Phenobarbital, Diazepam, Clonazepam, and Amitripilin will have side effects such as impaired thinking coordination, impaired mental function, dependence, and are toxic. Non-pharmacological treatment includes treatment that is safe, effective and without side effects, such as complementary therapy which includes natural medicine therapy. Complementary therapy can be done using herbal therapy, nutritional therapy, relaxation, meditation, laughter therapy, acupuncture, aromatherapy, reflexology, and hydrotherapy.
Objectives: To determine the effect of non-pharmacological treatment by soaking warm water on the feet on insomnia in the elderly at the UPTD Puskesmas Pasir Putih, Depok City in 2023
Method: This research is quantitative analytical research with an experimental design with a one-group pre-test and post-test pre-experiment design. The sample in this study was all elderly people who experienced insomnia at the UPTD Pasir Putih Health Center, Depok City, totaling 30 elderly people using a total sampling technique. The research instrument used a questionnaire and warm water. The data is primary data analyzed using the T-test.
Result: It is known that the average level of insomnia in elderly women before being soaked in warm water was 21.60 with a standard deviation of 1.499. It is known that the average level of insomnia in elderly women after being soaked in warm water is 14.97 with a standard deviation of 0.890. The effect of non-pharmacological treatment of soaking warm water on the feet on insomnia in elderly women with a p-value of 0.000.
Conclusion: There is an effect of non-pharmacological treatment by soaking warm water on the feet on insomnia in elderly women at the UPTD Puskesmas Pasir Putih, Depok City in 2023.