In the context of the inclusive τ -decay, we analyze various forms of perturbative expansions which have appeared as modifications of the original perturbative series. We argue that analytic perturbation theory, which combines renormalization-group invariance and Q 2 -analyticity, has significant merits favoring its use to describe the perturbative component of τ -decay.PACS Numbers: 11.10.Hi, 11.55.Fv, 12.38.Cy, 13.35.Dx A perturbative approximation in quantum chromodynamics as a rule cannot be exhaustive in the low energy region of a few GeV and a nonperturbative component has to be included. The reliability of extracting nonperturbative parameters from data is connected with uncertainties in the perturbative description of a process arising from the inevitable truncation of the perturbation theory (PT) series. The initial perturbative series that is obtained after the renormalization procedure is not the final product of the theory. This series can be modified and its properties can be improved on the basis of additional information coming from general properties of the quantity under consideration. In this note we consider various descriptions of the perturbative component in the context of an analysis of the inclusive decay of the τ lepton. We will discuss merits and drawbacks of the series expansion for the R τ -ratio in terms of powers of the parameter α s (M 2 τ ) [1], the prescription of Ref.[2] which uses a contour representation, and the approximation based on the analytic approach proposed in Ref. [3].The main object in a description of the hadronic decay of the τ -lepton and of many other physical processes is the correlator Π(q 2 ) or the corresponding Adler function D(−q 2 ) = −q 2 dΠ(q 2 )/dq 2 . The analytic properties of the D-function are contained within the relationwhere R(s) = ImΠ(s)/π. According to this equation, the D-function is an analytic function in the complex Q 2 -plane with a cut along the negative real axis. After renormalization, the perturbative expansion of the D-function has the form of a power series in the expansion parameter a µ = α s (µ 2 )/π. In the massless case the series has the formAs is well known, this expression is unsatisfactory both from theoretical and practical viewpoints. Any partial sum of it is not renormalization-group invariant and logarithms in the coefficients lead to an ill-defined behavior in both infrared and ultraviolet regions. The modification of the initial representation (2) based on renormalization-group invariance readswhereā(Q 2 ) is the running coupling. This commonly used modification removes some of the undesirable features of the expansion (2). A partial sum of the series (3) is now µ-independent. The log-terms in the coefficients of Eq, (2) have been summed into the running coupling and the series (3) can now be used in the ultraviolet region. However, the correct analytic properties of the partial sum of Eq. (2), the principal merit of this expansion, are no longer valid due to unphysical singularities of the perturbative running coup...