A nuntb¢ r of transcription factors contain so.called zinc finger domains for the inlcr~ction with their cognate DNA sequence, It tins ~¢n shown that rclnOWd or the zinc io,~s complcxed in these zinc t~n~ers abrol~atcs DNA bindin~ and transcription activation, Therefore we wanted to te~ the hypothesis that the activity of tritnscriptton factors could b~ reguhtted by physolo~,ical chel.ttors of zinc, A pron~inent candid~tv,¢ rot such a chdutor is the Cys-rich protci='b thionein (apometallothionein) that is inducible by heavy metal Io=ids, and by oilier environm~nlal stimuli, Here we show with DNA binding, and in Vitro trtmscription ass;¢ys that thionein indeed can in.ctlvat¢ the zinc flnger.containin~ $pl in != reversible manner. By contrast, transcriptio, fitclor Oct-I, which binds DNA via a borneo.domain, i.~, a helix-turn-helix motif not involving zinc ions, is refntctory to thionein action, We propo~ that modulation ofintracellular thlonein concentration is used for the coordinated reguhttion of =l large subset of genes w!mSe tnm~ription depends on zinc finger proteins.