Most regulated proteolysis in eukaryotes is carried out by the 26S proteasome. This large, multisubunit complex comprises a catalytic core particle (20S proteasome) and a regulatory particle (19S regulator) capping each end. In Drosophila, about a third of the 32 proteasome subunits are found to have testis-specific isoforms, encoded by paralogous genes. Here, we characterize in detail the spermatogenic expression of the core particle subunit Pros␣6 (Pros35) and its testis-specific isoform Pros␣6T. Using GFP-tagged transgenes, it is shown that whereas the Pros␣6 subunit is expressed in early stages of spermatogenesis, gradually fading away following meiosis, the testis-specific Pros␣6T becomes prominent in spermatid nuclei and cytoplasm after meiosis, and persists in mature sperm. In addition, these subunits are found in numerous 'speckles' near individualization complexes, similar to the previously described expression pattern of the caspase Dronc (Nedd2-like caspase), suggesting a link to the apoptosis pathway. We also studied the phenotypes of a loss-of-function mutant of Pros␣6T generated by targeted homologous recombination. Homozygous males are sterile and show spermatogenic defects in sperm individualization and nuclear maturation, consistent with the expression pattern of Pros␣6T. The results demonstrate a functional role of testis-specific proteasomes during Drosophila spermatogenesis.KEY WORDS: Apoptosis, Individualization, Proteasome, Spermatogenesis Development 134, 3517-3525 (2007) DEVELOPMENT 3518 analyzed in detail, preliminary studies of a few of them suggest that they are expressed in a similar way (Yuan et al., 1996) (L.Z., unpublished; X. Li and J.M.B., unpublished). The large number of proteasome subunit isoform genes, and the collective shift of the expression patterns between the conventional subunit genes and their testis-specific counterparts, suggest that there might be a testisspecific proteasome that is dynamically assembled during Drosophila spermatogenesis. If so, what is its functional significance?Here we characterize in detail the spermatogenic expression of the ␣-type subunit Pros␣6 (also known as Pros35 -FlyBase) and its testis-specific isoform Pros␣6T. We also address the question of the functional significance of testis-specific proteasome subunits by studying the phenotypes of a knockout mutant of Pros␣6T. Mutants are male-sterile, with disruption of actin cone movement during sperm individualization, and abnormal nuclear maturation and morphology. These findings establish a necessary role of at least one of the testis-specific proteasome subunits in Drosophila spermatogenesis.
Fly strainsThe Df(2L)ED784 and His2AvGFP stocks were obtained from the Bloomington Stock Center (stock nos 7421 and 5941, respectively).
Plasmid constructions and generation of transgenic fliesThe construction of the Pros␣6T-GFP reporter gene and generation of transgenic flies were previously described by Ma et al. (Ma et al., 2002). For the construction of the Pros␣6-GFP repor...