We initiate a study of subregion dualities, entropy, and redundant encoding of bulk points in holographic theories deformed by TT and its generalizations. This includes both cut off versions of Anti de Sitter spacetime, as well as the generalization to bulk de Sitter spacetime, for which we introduce two additional examples capturing different patches of the bulk and incorporating the second branch of the square root dressed energy formula. We provide new calculations of entanglement entropy (EE) for more general divisions of the system than the symmetric ones previously available. We find precise agreement between the gravity side and deformed-CFT side results to all orders in the deformation parameter at large central charge. An analysis of the fate of strong subadditivity for relatively boosted regions indicates nonlocality reminiscent of string theory. We introduce the structure of operator algebras in these systems. The causal and entanglement wedges generalize to appropriate deformed theories but exhibit qualitatively new behaviors, e.g. the causal wedge may exceed the entanglement wedge. This leads to subtleties which we express in terms of the Hamiltonian and modular Hamiltonian evolution. Finally, we exhibit redundant encoding of bulk points, including the cosmological case.