By using a chemically defined serum-free (SF) medium for propagation of Mm5mtc1 mouse adenocarcinoma cell cultures and clonal derivatives, medium components including hormones, glucose and individual amino acids were evaluated as to modulation of mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) porduction. Insulin, hydrocortisone and dexamethasone each increased MMTV production on a per cell basis over constitutive expression that occurs in SF medium devoid of hormones. Maximum production occurred when all three hormones were present. Hormone-stimulated virus expression also was influenced by glucose concentration. Cell growth and maximum MMTV expression increased when thyroxine, asparagine, proline and serine were omitted from the medium formulation. The resulting modified SF medium provides and ideal system for the propagation of high MMTV-producer clones and for the study of the biochemical regulation of MMTV expression.