Beginning with a brief review of the regular space-time with asymptotically Minkowski core, we can consider two copies of the space-time connected through a short-throat wormhole whose radius of mouth is equal to or larger than an extremal regular black hole with asymptotically Minkowski core's event horizon radius. If the wormhole is traversable and smooth, fluxes in these two spacetimes will interact with and flow into each other. On the cosmological scale, gravity is a candidate for the flux. As the gravitational field changes in one space-time, the behaviours of stars around the wormhole will be affected by the other space-time since we assume there exists enough exotic matter to keep the wormhole open. The changes in a gravitational field can be quantized through the gauge invariant perturbations. The variances in orbits of stars can be reflected by changes in the kinematic shifts of photon frequencies. Then, we use this to distinguish between the black hole and wormhole generated by the same space-time line element, since black hole can not connect two space-times and is unaffected by other space-time.