As a maritime country, Indonesia potentials in producing salt based on community. The high import of salt indicates that the potential it has has not been developed to the maximum. Boiled salt produced by the coastal communities of Brebes Regency has the potential to be developed. The purpose of this study was to determine the strategy of boiling salt business development in Brebes Regency by knowing the internal and external factors of the business. The results showed that the internal factors of salt business included supporting and inhibiting factors. Low education is a limiting factor and hereditary skills in boiled salt production are business supporting factors from the internal side. The external inhibiting factor of the boiled salt business is that there are cheaper competing products resulting in less competitive prices as table salt products. Supporting factors from the external side is the availability of abundant raw materials so that production can be increased more optimally. Seeing the existence of supporting and inhibiting factors from both internal and external sides, the strategy of boiling salt business development in Brebes Regency is directed to improve marketing skills by creating quality products that have market segmentation in certain circles so as to be able to produce competitive products.