The results of this study describe the problem of women's resistance to religious values as one of the social phenomena in the novel Adam Hawa by Muhidin M. Dahlan. The purpose of this study is to describe the forms and causes of resistance by women to religious values in the novel. This is expressed through the analysis of feminist literary criticism by using qualitative descriptive methods in both data analysis and interpretation. The results showed that women have resistance to their treatment on the grounds of religious values in open and closed forms both verbally through words and nonverbally through actions or behaviors. The results of this study also revealed that there is also a critical awareness of women that the injustice experienced through male domination, causing by mistakes in interpreting and applying religious values that are a reference in people's lives. Hence, the results of this study can be a lesson for the community and recommendations for policy makers to reinterpret and correct interpretation of the values that are a reference in community life in order to create peace and prosperity that is built through the relationship between men and women.