In recent years, the coast of the Aral Sea region has been undergoing comprehensive reforms aimed at fundamentally improving the environmental situation, accelerating the socio-economic development of the region, and increasing the lifestyle and income of the population. In Uzbekistan, great attention is paid to the effective use of selection, seed production and modern agro-technologies to increase the yield of fodder crops and improve the quality of grain. In particular, a lot of attention is paid to the productive use of saline lands in the strengthening of the feed base in animal husbandry, and various crops are planted in saline areas. In this article, samples of the longbeak rattlebox crop were planted in the coast of the Aral Sea, which has a unique natural climate. In addition, phenological measurements were carried out and the results obtained for each sample of valuable economic traits are presented. In the coast of the Aral Sea, seeds of 110 samples from the National Genbank were sown in 4 repetitions, an experimental nursery was established, and the results of valuable economic traits were studied and presented based on phenological observations and statistical analysis.