The present paper reports data on distribution, demographic parameters, ecological preferences and conservation status of Bombina variegata variegata and B. v. pacbypus from the Italian peninsula. Owing to the wide distribution, we selected as a sam ple the following regions as sample regions: Lombardy, Veneto, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Abruzzi, Lalium, Campania, Basilicata, Apu lia and Calabria, and the autonomous province of Trento 3 . For each region, we carried out bibliographic and museum research es, together with field surveys in order to collect updated faunistic data. B. v. variegata showed a general preference for hilly and mountain areas at medium/low elevation, under 1100 m. Our field surveys confirmed 44 sites out of 49 investigated; so the number of populations in northern Italy seems to be substantially stable. However, in several sites, particularly as regards prealpine Lombardy, a numerical decrease of individuals was observed; this fact suggests that this taxon could be threatened. B. v. pacbypus predominantly inhabits areas at altitudes of less than 1400 m. Out of 55 sites where this taxon was found prior to 1996, the present study confirmed only 33. Nevertheless, the status of the B. v. pacbypus populations from southern Italy seemed to be different, being vulnerable with respect to the populations of Abruzzi, Cam pania, Latium and Apulia, and not vulnerable as far as the Calabrian population is concerned.Finally, for both B. v. variegata and B. v. pacbypus, we discuss threats and conservation perspectives.