Estádios de desenvolvimento embrionário de vacas zebuínas superovuladas Nelore, 12.6% (17/135) Pooled Nelore, 11.1% (15/135) Gir, 5.2% (7/135) Brahman and 3.0% (4/135) Guzerá. Embryos were classified according to quality as grade I, 51.1% (69/135), 43.7% (59/135), 4.4% (6/135), 0.7% (1/135), and according to developmental stage in morulae, 3.7% (5/135), young blastocyst, 16.3% (22/135), blastocyst, 37.0% (50/135), expanded blastocyst, 42.2% (57/135), and hatched blastocyst, 0.7% (1/135). These results showed the predominance of advanced developing stages (blastocyst, expanded blastocyst and hatched blastocyst) witch represented 80% of the total of embryos.