Sl'MMAKVGynodioecy is a breeding system consisting of male steriles (MS, females) and hermaphrodites (H), Tbere is how ever within such systems a third, often neglected, class of partially male sterile plants (PMS), i,e, plants with an intermediate sex expression. In tiatural populations of Plantaf;o coronopus, partially male sterile individuals were as common as male steriles (frequencies in tbe range 1'7 36-8",,). These PMS plants constitute a continuous series, linking compk-te male sterility and hermaphroditism. We discovered that temperature influenced sex expression and the degree of male sterilit\ of PMS indi\iduals, but not of AIS and H individuals. Thus, at higher temperatures PMS individuals became more male sterile. Difference in c\ toplasmic background ofthe indi\'iduats did not infiuence their response to temperature. IT is argued tbat partial male sterility is a normal feature of eytiodioecious species and not an abnormality,