Key words: Aedes aegypti -chitin synthesis inhibitors -temephos -deltamethrin -novaluron -cross-resistance Among the arboviruses transmitted by mosquitoes throughout the world, dengue is presently the most relevant; it is endemic to all of the continents, except Europe (Nogueira et al. 2001, Forattini 2002, Claro et al. 2004. Brazil has an alarming dengue incidence with several outbreaks all over the country and an increasing incidence of severe cases. Therefore, major public health campaigns target this disease (Teixeira et al. 1999, Câ-mara et al. 2007, MS/SVS 2009.Specific drugs and an effective vaccine against dengue virus are not yet available (Durbin & Whitehead 2010). Consequently, the only way to control the dengue epidemiological network is to target the virus' vector, Aedes aegypti (Medronho 2006. Although the elimination of potential Aedes breeding sites is increasingly considered a crucial component of dengue control, the utilisation of chemical insecticides is still a common measure. Until very recently, the most commonly used insecticides against Aedes in Brazil were the organophosphate temephos and the pyrethroid deltamethrin, which are used to control the larval and adult populations, respectively .The continuous use of chemical insecticides can lead to the dissemination of resistance and the consequent failure of the control efforts. Therefore, alternative methods of controlling disease-transmitting vectors are urgently needed. Two examples are entomopathogenic bacteria and insect growth regulators (IGRs). The biological insecticide Bacillus thuringiensis serovar israelensis (Bti) has been employed against Ae. aegypti in various municipalities of Brazil. However, the reduced field persistence of commercially available Bti formulations is an obstacle; under tropical conditions, the maximal residual effect observed lasted four weeks .In contrast to the classical chemical insecticides and biolarvicides, IGRs are not directly toxic, but act selectively on the development, metamorphosis or reproduction of the target insect species (Hoffmann & Lorenz 1998, Martins & Silva 2004. Among IGRs, the chitin synthesis inhibitors (CSIs) act by interfering with the synthesis or deposition of chitin on the exoskeleton or other chitinised internal structures, such as the peritrophic matrix (Merzendorf & Zimoch 2003, Merzendorf 2005.Novaluron is a CSI that is already utilised in agriculture. It is highly effective against Coleoptera, Homoptera and Lepidoptera larvae of several crop pests . It can act through ingestion, as verified in the larvae of the moth species Spodoptera littoralis and Helicoverpa armigera, or through contact, as reported with the flies Bemisia tabaci and Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Ishaaya et al. 1996(Ishaaya et al. , 1998. Novaluron is also efficient against Ae. aegypti larvae, as reported by Mulla et al. (2003) and Arredondo-jiménez and Valdez-Delgado (2006). Because novaluron is recommended by the World Health Organization for use in drinking water, it represents a potential tool in the con...