Life-forms, pollination and seed dispersal syndromes in plant communities on ironstone outcrops, SE Brazil
ABSTRACT(Life-forms, pollination and seed dispersal syndromes in plant communities on ironstone outcrops, SE Brazil). Rock outcrops play an important role in enhancing plant diversity in montane ecosystems. Ironstone outcrops (cangas) are among the lithotypes less known and most threatened in SE Brazil, due to mining activities. Besides species composition, a key feature to promote their conservation and restoration is the knowledge of the community prevalent life-forms, pollination and seed dispersal syndromes. Th e analyses were done based on published fl oristic surveys of cangas in SE Brazil. A total of 353 species of angiosperms (70 families) were assigned to one of the two predominant physiognomies (open areas and forest islands) on ironstone outcrops. Sixteen families responded for 70% of all species. Compared to Raunkiaer's spectrum, phanerophytes were over-and therophytes were under-represented. Phanerophytes were the predominant life-form in forest islands, while hemicryptophytes were outstanding in open areas. Entomophily was the dominant pollination syndrome in both habitats. Zoochory was dominant in forest islands and ranked last in open areas, where anemochory and autochory prevailed. Considering that both forest islands and open areas are subjected to the same climatic conditions, the results corroborate the infl uence of geoedaphic components in the three traits analysed.