Aim: to describe the profile of high-risk pregnant women attending the HUAP maternity hospital. Method:descriptive, retrospective and documentary research, with a quantitative approach, performed at a hospital in Niterói/RJ. Data were collected in 2013, through 148 medical records of high-risk pregnant women admitted to the hospital, from July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012, and treated by descriptive statistics. Results: the majority of the pregnant women were young (up to 30 years old), with a companion and resided in the metropolitan region II/RJ. Half of them had one or two living children; 59.5% were multigravida; 79.1% had never aborted; and, among those who showed previous delivery (n=93), 64.5% had submitted to cesarean section. Regarding prenatal care, 93.3% presented attendance to the appointments. Most of the pregnant women went to the hospital through their own choice (42.6%) as they presented symptoms of general practice. Fifty-nine cases were identified 59 causes for hospitalization, with higher occurrence due to premature amniorrexis and arterial hypertension. Conclusion: the presented results can trigger proposals of protocols of attendance and monitoring of this clientele.